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Menampilkan postingan dari 2016

Fakta Unik di Insan Cendekia Madani BSD

Assalamualaikum apa kabar readers? hopefully fine everyday let me share all facts about INSAN CENDEKIA MADANI BSD Inilah fakta unik di ICM (^_^) 1. Terletak di Jalan Ciater Raya Serpong 2. Luasnya 10 Hektar woaaaah 3. Terdiri dari Earely Childhood, Primary, Middle dan High School. Middle dan High School-nya Boarding! 4. Mendapat status Akreditasi A dari Kemdikbud 5. Lingkungannya sangat sejuk nan hijau. Bikin betah! 6. Sudah meluluskan 4 Angkatan (SMP-SMA) 7. Sampai 2017 sudah menginjak usia ke-7 lho 8. Angkatan 2 SMA bernama Devastra 9. Angkatan 3, 4, 5 SMA bernama Trevolution, Major, dan Zevontra 10. Siswa-siswi ICM sangat multi talenta, banyak bakatnya! 11. Banyak banget prestasi yang sudah di torehkan lho! Mulai dari sains, olahraga, seni, dan lainnya 12. Tahu tidak? Banyak guru-guru ICM yang menulis buku karangan sendiri, bahkan muridnya pun juga 13. Guru Fisika SMA ICM adalah penulis buku Fisika yang biasa dipakai untuk mengajar di ICM! 14. Banyak siswa ICM ...

Contoh Drama Story tentang Prophet Ibrahim

Narrator: The birth of the Ismail was making Siti Sarah feel there is a different attitude Ibrahim. Siti Sarah did not strongly feel anxiety h er heart . Siti Sarah asked I braham in order to keep him away from her and put it in another place. Desert scene. In Mekah I. Ha j ar: (whimpering and crying, firmly holding the shirt Abraham begs compassion). Please don’t leave me, I’m alone in this empty place my husband, not a single human being, not a single animal, not a single tree, and there is no sign of flowing water. Ibrahim: put your trust in God who has set his will, believe in the power and mercy. It was he, who told I to brought you here, and he will protect and be with you in this desolate place. Ha j ar: Should I be occupy here my husband? i braham: Believe. God will always keep his people .. (SitiHajar remove departure of I braham with the turmoil of his soul) Ha j ar: O Allah, protect your servants from all danger. Please save him and make his...